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  第一条 为贯彻执行《中华人民共和国食品卫生法(试行)》,加强对调味品的卫生监督管理,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法管理范围系指酱油、食醋、味精、食盐(其中包括海、井、矿、湖盐)、复合调味品等。

  第三条 生产加工调味品不得使用变质或未去除有毒物质的原料。生产用水应符合GB 5749《生活饮用水卫生标准》。使用食品添加剂应符合GB 2760《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》。

  第四条 调味品生产要不断改革工艺,使机械化、密闭化生产逐步代替手工操作。在采用新工艺生产新产品时,须经省、自治区、直辖市食品卫生监督机构审查同意,方能投产。


  第五条 调味品生产车间应整洁、不积水,地面墙裙应用不透水材料建筑。制曲车间应便于洗刷和定期消毒,所使用的菌种应定期进行鉴定,防止污染和变异产毒。

  第六条 生产、加工、贮存、运输、销售过程中所用的容器、用具、管道、包装用品和涂料必须符合相应的卫生标准。容器、用具应经常洗刷、消毒。


  第七条 酱油、食醋成品应采取有效的消毒措施。

  第八条 不得用味精废液配制酱油。


  第九条 各生产部门应对原料、半成品、成品进行检验,成品符合卫生标准方可出厂。

  第十条 碘缺乏病地区,应根据卫生部门的要求,在食盐中加入适量碘,加碘食盐应有小包装,做到货款分开。包装用纸应清洁卫生。

  第十一条 严禁销售霉烂、变质、不符合卫生要求的肉品。售卖肉馅(搅肉)时必须用新鲜、干净的肉做原料,做到无毛、无血、无异物。搅肉机使用前后应洗刷,保持干净。

  第十二条 食品卫生监督机构对生产经营者应加强经常性卫生监督,根据需要无偿抽取样品进行检验,并给予正式收据。

  第十三条 违反本办法的,根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法(试行)》的有关规定追究法律责任。

  第十四条 本办法由卫生部负责解释。

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第一章 总则

  第一条 为加强国家实行开采总量控制矿种的管理,防止优势矿产资源过度开采,保护和合理利用矿产资源,根据矿产资源法律法规和国务院有关规定,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称实行开采总量控制的矿种,包括按国务院要求实行开采总量控制的矿种以及部依据相关规定决定实行开采总量控制的矿种。

  第三条 部负责确定全国年度开采总量控制指标,并分配下达到省级国土资源主管部门;省级国土资源主管部门负责本行政区域开采总量控制指标的分解下达和监督管理;市、县级国土资源主管部门负责总量控制指标执行情况的监督管理。

  第二章 指标的确定和分配

  第四条 部依据全国矿产资源规划以及国家产业政策,综合考虑矿产资源潜力、市场供求状况、资源保障程度、采矿权设置和产能产量等因素,确定年度开采总量控制指标。

  第五条 部分配各省(区、市)下一年度开采总量控制指标,可采用基数测算法或定量测算法。具备条件的矿种应实行定量测算法。





  第三章 指标的下达

  第六条 部于每年第一季度向各省(区、市)国土资源主管部门下达当年开采总量控制指标。


  第七条 省级国土资源主管部门应于每年11月底前向部上报当年指标预计完成情况,提出下一年度开采指标申请,并说明增减理由。

  第八条 省级国土资源主管部门根据本辖区内矿山企业的保有资源储量、开发利用情况、资源利用水平等因素,参考矿山企业以往年度开采总量控制指标执行情况,结合市、县级国土资源主管部门意见,对开采总量控制指标实施分配。属于34个重要矿种范围的,开采总量控制指标原则上直接分解下达到矿山企业,属于34个重要矿种范围以外的,分解下达方式由省级国土资源主管部门决定。


  第四章 指标管理

  第九条 开采总量控制指标分解下达后,由矿山企业与其所在地县级国土资源主管部门签订责任书,明确权利、义务和违约责任,并向省级国土资源主管部门备案。责任书式样由省级国土资源主管部门负责制定。

  第十条 开采总量控制指标执行情况实行季报统计制度。矿山企业应按规定向所在地县级国土资源主管部门报送开采总量控制指标执行情况;所在地国土资源主管部门应按规定逐级审核及时上报。实行月报统计制度的,按有关规定办理。

  第十一条 开采总量控制矿种与其他矿种共、伴生的,应纳入开采总量控制指标管理,不得超指标生产。主采矿种属国家紧缺矿种的,经省级国土资源主管部门批准,超总量控制指标开采的,应进行储备,不得销售。

  第十二条 矿山企业应建立总量控制矿种的资源储量、产量、销售原始台账及开采总量控制相关管理制度。

  第十三条 县级国土资源主管部门应通过核查统计报表、生产台账、资源储量消耗、销售与纳税票据等,切实加强本行政区域开采总量控制指标执行情况的监督检查,应按照责任书的有关要求,对超指标生产的矿山企业,扣减当年或下一年度开采总量控制指标,并追究矿山企业违约责任。

  第十四条 部对各地指标执行情况进行核查,对每年度指标执行情况进行通报。对超指标开采严重的省(区、市)责令进行整改,整改不合格的,扣减该省(区、市)下一年度开采总量控制指标,暂停该省(区、市)超指标开采矿种的矿业权配号。


  第五章 附则

  第十五条 省级国土资源主管部门可结合本地实际情况,依据本办法制定具体实施办法。

  第十六条 本办法由部负责解释,有效期为五年。

  第十七条 本办法自发布之日起实施。






第一章 总 则
第一条 为发展我国的对外贸易,促进国际间经济技术合作,加强对外国公司、企业和其他经济组织在中华人民共和国境内设立的常驻代表机构的管理,根据中华人民共和国国务院1980年10月30日发布的《关于管理外国企业常驻代表机构的暂行规定》,特制定本实施细则。
第二条 本实施细则适用于外国贸易商、制造厂商、货运代理商、承包商、咨询公司、广告公司、投资公司、租赁公司和其他经济贸易组织(以下简称外国企业)在中华人民共和国境内设立常驻代表机构。
第三条 外国企业申请在中华人民共和国境内设立常驻代表机构,必须经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部或其授权的各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市对外经济贸易委员会(厅)(以下简称审批机关)批准,并在中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局或其授权的各省、自治区、直
第四条 外国企业常驻代表机构可以在中华人民共和国境内从事非直接经营性活动,代表该企业进行其经营范围内的业务联络、产品介绍、市场调研、技术交流等业务活动。
第五条 外国企业未经批准和登记不得在中华人民共和国境内设立常驻代表机构,不得开展本实施细则允许从事的各项业务活动。
第六条 外国企业常驻代表机构及其成员必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律和法规,不得损害中华人民共和国安全和社会公共利益。
第七条 外国企业常驻代表机构及其成员,在本实施细则范围内从事的各项业务活动,受中华人民共和国法律的保护。
第八条 外国企业申请设立常驻代表机构的基本条件:

第二章 设立、延期、变更和终止
第九条 外国企业申请在中华人民共和国境内设立常驻代表机构,须向审批机关提出书面申请,审批机关对其申请进行审查,在30个工作日内作出批准或不予批准的决定,并及时通知该外国企业。
第十条 外国企业申请设立常驻代表机构必须委托一家经中华人民共和国政府主管部门批准的、享有对外经济贸易经营权的公司或经审批机关认可的对外经济贸易组织和外事服务单位作为承办单位,由承办单位代外国企业向审批机关报送各类材料,办理申报手续。
第十一条 由中华人民共和国各部委所属公司、对外经济贸易组织和外事服务单位承办的外国企业常驻代表机构报对外贸易经济合作部审批;由各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市所属公司、对外经济贸易组织和外事服务单位承办的外国企业常驻代表机构报各省、自治区、直辖市及计
第十二条 外国企业申请设立常驻代表机构,须向审批机关提供下列材料:
第十三条 外国企业常驻代表机构的名称应以“国别+企业名称+城市名+代表处”的方式确定。
第十四条 外国企业设立常驻代表机构的申请获得批准后,由常驻代表机构的首席代表向审批机关领取批准证书,并在批准之日起的30天内,持批准证书到登记机关办理登记手续。逾期不办理登记手续的,批准证书自行失效,由审批机关收回批准证书。
第十五条 外国企业设立常驻代表机构的申请获得批准和办理登记手续后,外国企业常驻代表机构必须在30天内持批准证书、登记证和代表证到公安机关、税务机关、海关、银行等部门办理有关手续。
第十六条 外国企业常驻代表机构一次批准的最长期限为3年,驻在期自审批机关颁发批准证书之日起算,驻在期满如需延期,外国企业须提前60天通过原承办单位向审批机关提出申请,办理延期手续。
第十七条 外国企业常驻代表机构申请延期,须向审批机关提供下列材料:
第十八条 外国企业常驻代表机构的延期申请获得批准后,由审批机关颁发延期批准证书,外国企业常驻代表机构于批准后30天内持延期批准证书到登记机关办理延期登记手续及公安、税务、海关、银行等有关手续。
第十九条 外国企业要求变更常驻代表机构的名称,更换或增加首席代表或代表,变更常驻机构的业务范围、驻在期限和办公地址,须通过原承办单位向原审批机关提交由该企业董事长或总经理签署的申请书(变更办公地址的申请书可由首席代表签署)及与变更相关的材料,并填写《
第二十条 外国企业常驻代表机构驻在期限届满或者提前终止业务活动,外国企业申请撤销其常驻机构,应在终止前30天,由该企业董事长或总经理签署撤销申请书,通过原承办单位报告原审批机关备案,并于清理债务、税务和其他有关事宜后,办理工商登记、长期居留及海关备案
第二十一条 外国企业常驻代表机构设立、延期、变更和撤销的申请书和首席代表、代表的授权书应用中文书写;如用其他文字书写,必须附中文译本。其他申报材料如用中文以外的文字书写,必须附中文译本。
第二十二条 审批机关在必要时有权要求就外国企业设立常驻代表机构的全部或部分申报材料经所在国公证机关公证,并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆认证。

第三章 管 理
第二十三条 中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部及其授权的各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市对外经济贸易委员会(厅)依照中华人民共和国国务院1980年10月30日发布的《关于管理外国企业常驻代表机构的暂行规定》和本实施细则以及有关法律、法规,会同各有关部门
第二十四条 外国企业常驻代表机构及其成员在出入境、居留、工商、税务、海关、外汇管理、聘请工作人员、租房以及其他方面的一切活动应当依照中华人民共和国的法律和法规进行,并接受中华人民共和国政府各有关主管机关的管理、监督和检查。
第二十五条 外国企业常驻代表机构进口用于在其办公场所内展示的展品,应向原审批机关提出申请并附进口展品清单,经批准后持批准文件和进口展品清单报请所在地海关核准具体品种和数量。海关按《中华人民共和国海关对暂时进口货物监管办法》和《中华人民共和国海关关于进
第二十六条 外国企业对其设立的常驻代表机构在中华人民共和国境内的一切业务活动承担法律责任。
第二十七条 各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市对外经济贸易委员会(厅),须于每年1月和7月将其批准设立的外国企业常驻代表机构汇总报对外贸易经济合作部备案。
第二十八条 对外贸易经济合作部及其授权的各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市对外经济贸易委员会(厅)对违反中华人民共和国法律、法规和本实施细则规定的外国企业常驻代表机构,根据情节轻重,可给予警告、责令暂停业务直至撤销批准的处分。

第四章 首席代表和代表资格
第二十九条 外国企业常驻代表机构的首席代表和代表必须具备下列资格:

第五章 附 则
第三十条 外国企业申请在中华人民共和国委派常驻代表,比照本实施细则执行。
第三十一条 本实施细则未尽事宜,应根据中华人民共和国有关法律和法规办理。
第三十二条 台湾、香港和澳门地区的企业申请在大陆设立常驻代表机构参照本实施细则执行。
第三十三条 本实施细则由中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部负责解释。
第三十四条 本实施细则自公布之日起施行。1992年8月11日《关于审批外国港澳企业常驻代表机构有关问题的规定》〔1992外经贸管发第272号〕同时废止。

Application Form for Establishment of Representative
offices of Foreign Enterprises (Form 1)
(Date of Filling in)
| 申报企业情况(Situation of Application Enterprise) |
|企业名称: |
|Name of the Enterprise |
|企业地址: |
|Address of the Enterprise |
|董事长或总经理姓名: |
|Name of Chairman of the Board of Directors or |
|Managing Director |
|企业成立日期(Date of Establishing Enterprise) |
|国别或地区 |企业性质(指外资、侨资、合资等) |
|Country (or Region)|Nature of the Enterprise(e.g. |
| |Wholly foreign owned enterprise |
| |overseas venture and joint |
| |venture, etc.) |
|电话(Telephone) |传真(Fax) |
|海外分支机构数(Number of Overseas Branch Offices) |
|开户银行(Name of the Credit Bank) |
|注册资本(美元)(Registered Capital)(US$) |
|实受资本(美元)(Paid--up Capital)(US$) |
|企业经营范围(Business Scope of Enterprise) |
Note:This form is to be completed in duplicate when
applying for the establishment of representative
of--fice in both Chinese and English.
| 常驻代表机构情况(Situation of the Representative Office) |
| 机 构 | |
| 名 称 | |
|Name of the office| |
|机构地址(Address of the office) |
|电话(Telephone) |邮编(Post Code) |
|传真(Fax) |申请驻在期限(Duration of Application)|
|首席代表姓名(Name of the Chief Representative) |
|代表人数(Number of the |雇员人数(Number of the Employees) |
|Representatives) | |
|机构业务范围(Business Scope of the Representative Office) |
|在华业务联系单位(Chinese Business Contact Entities) |
|承办单位(Chinese Sponsor) |
|企业在华投资情况(美元) |
|(Investment Situation in China of the Enterprise) |
| 项目名称 | 地 址 | 合资双方投资额 | 批准日期 | 建成投产日期 |
| | | Total | | |
| | | Investment | | |
|Name of|Address| 外 方 | 中 方 |Date of |Date of |
|the | |Foreign|Chinese|Approval|Operation |
|Project| | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
|企业近三年对华贸易额(美元)(Latest 3 Years' Gross Turnover of |
| Enterprise with China(US$) |
| 年 份 | 从中国进口 | 对中国出口 | 合 计 |
|(Years)|(Import from China)|(Export to China)|(Total)|
|年(Year)|US$ |US$ |US$ |
|年(Year)|US$ |US$ |US$ |
|年(Year)|US$ |US$ |US$ |

Application Form for Personnel of the Representative
Offices of Foreign Enterprises (Form 2)
(Date of Filling in)
|机构名称 |
|Name of the Representative Office |
|机构地址 |
|Address of the Representative Office |
|电话(Telephone) |传真(Fax) |
|邮政编码(Post Code) |电传(Telex) |
|首席代表及常驻代表姓名 |
|Name of the Chief Representative and Representative |
|性别(Sex) |国籍(Nationality) |
|出生日期和地点 |
|Date and Place of Birth | |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
|职务(Position) |代表照片 |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
|申请驻在期限(Duration of Application) | |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
|来华日期 |(Photogragh)|
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
|Date of Arrival in China | |
Note:Each Person is required to complete in this form
in duplicate When applying for establishing a
reprentative office in both Chinese and English.

Application Form for Extention of Representative
offices of Foreign Enterprises (Form 3)
(Date of Filling in)
| 申报企业情况(Situation of the Enterprise) |
|企业名称 |
|Name of the Enterprise |
|企业地址 |
|Address of the Enterprise |
|董事长或总经理姓名: |
|Name of Chairman of the Board of Directors or |
|Managing Director |
|企业成立日期(Date of Establishing Enterprise) |
|国别或地区 |企业性质(指外资、侨资、合资等) |
|Country (or Region)|Nature of the Enterprise (e.g. |
| |Wholly foreign owned enterprise |
| |overseas venture and joint |
| |venture, etc.) |
|海外分支机构数(Number of Overseas Branch Offices) |
|开户银行(Name of the Credit Bank) |
|注册资本(美元)(Registered Capital)(US$) |
|实受资本(美元)(Paid--up Capital)(US$) |
|电话(Telephone) |传真(Fax) |
|企业经营范围(Business Scope of the Enterprise) |
Note:This form is to be completed induplicate when
applying for the extention of the representative
of--fice in both Chinese and English.
| 常驻代表机构情况(Situation of the Representative Office) |
|机构名称 |
|Name of the Representative Office |
|机构地址 |
|Address of the Representative Office |
|电话(Telephone) |传真(Fax) |
|邮编(Post Code) |
|首席代表姓名(Name of the Chief Representative) |
|代表人数(Number of the |雇员人数(Number of the Employees) |
|Representatives) | |
|机构业务范围(Business Scope of the Representative Office) |
|批准日期(Date of Approval) |
|批准证书号(Approval Number) |
|登记日期(Date of Registration) |
|登记证书号(Certificate of Registration Number) |
|承办单位(Chinese Sponsor) |
|企业在华投资情况(美元) |
|(Situation of Investment in China of the Enterprise) |
| 项目名称 | 地 址 | 合资双方投资额 | 批准日期 | 建成投产日期 |
| | | Total | | |
| | | Investment | | |
|Name of|Address| 外 方 | 中 方 |Date of |Date of |
|the | |Foreign|Chinese|Approval|Operation |
|Project| | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
|企业近三年对华贸易额(Latest 3 Years' Gross Turnover of the |
| Enterprise with China(US$) |
| 年 份 | 从中国进口 | 对中国出口 | 合 计 |
|(Years)|(Import from China)|(Export to China)|(Total)|
|年(Year)|US$ |US$ |US$ |
|年(Year)|US$ |US$ |US$ |
|年(Year)|US$ |US$ |US$ |

Application Form for Amendment of the Representative
Offices of Foreign Enterprises (Form 4)
(Date of Filling in)
|机构名称 |
|Name of the Representative Office |
|机构地址 |
|Address of the Representative Office |
|电话(Telephone) |传真(Fax) |
|邮编(Post Code) |
|申报变更内容(Content of Amendment) |
| |
|人员变更时填写以下内容 |
|(Please complete the following if apply for personnel|
|amendment) |
|首席代表或代表的姓名 |
|Name of the Chief Representative or | |
|Representative | |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
|性别 |出生日期和地点 | 代表照片 |
|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------------| |
|Sex |Date and Place of | |
| |Birth | |
|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------------| |
|国籍 |职务 |(Photograph)|
|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------------| |
|Nationality |Position | |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
|来华日期(Date of Arrival in China) | |
Note:This form is to be completed in duplicate When
applying for amendment of the representative office
in both Chinese and English.

Detailed Rules of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation for the Implementation of the Examination-Approval and Adminis-tration of the Resident Representative offices of Foreign Enterprises inChina

(Promulgated on February 13, 1995)

Whole document
Detailed Rules of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
for the Implementation of the Examination-Approval and Administration
of the Resident Representative offices of Foreign Enterprises in China
(Promulgated on February 13, 1995)

Chapter 1 General Principles
Article 1
With a view to developing China's foreign trade, promoting
international economic cooperation and fortifying the administration of
the resident representative offices of foreign companies, enterprises and
other economic entitles in the People's Republic of China, the present
Detailed Rules are formulated in accordance with the Interim Provisions
Concerning the Administration of the Resident Representative Offices in
China of Foreign Enterprises, which were promulgated by the State Council
of the People's Republic of China on October 30, 1980.
Article 2
These Detailed Rules shall apply to the resident representative
offices set up within the territory of the People's Republic of China by
foreign traders, manufacturers, shipping agents, contractors, consultant
companies, advertising agencies, investment companies, leasing companies
and other economic entities (hereinafter called "foreign enterprises").
Article 3
A foreign enterprise which applies for the establishment of its
resident representative office in the territory of the People's Republic
of China shall, upon approval by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Cooperation or its authorized commissions for foreign trade and
economic relations (hereinafter called the "examination-approval
authorities") of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities
directly under the Central Government and of cities with separate listing
in the state plan, register with the State Administration for Industry and
Commerce or its authorized administrations for industry and commerce
(hereinafter called the "registration authorities") of the provinces,
autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government
and of the cities with separate listing in the state plan.
Article 4
The resident representative office of a foreign enterprise may, on its
behalf and within its business scope, be engaged in such indirect business
activities as business liaison, products recommendation, market research,
technological exchange, etc. in the territory of the People's Republic of
Article 5
Without prior approval and registration, no foreign enterprise shall
have its resident representative office or be engaged in any of the
business activities set forth in these Rules in the territory of the
People's Republic of China.
Article 6
The resident representative office and its staff members of a foreign
enterprise shall abide by the laws and regulations of, and shall not
injure the national security and social public interests of the People's
Republic of China.
Article 7
The business activities conducted by the resident representative
office and its staff members of a foreign enterprise pursuant to these
Rules shall be protected by law of the People's Republic of China.
Article 8
The essential conditions and requirements for a foreign enterprise to
apply for the establishment of a resident representative office are as
(1) the enterprise must be legally registered in the country where it
is located;
(2) the enterprise must enjoy a good commercial reputation;
(3) the enterprise must provide the authentic and reliable materials
and documents required by these Rules; and
(4) the enterprise must go through the registration and application
procedures as provided for in these Rules.

Chapter 2 Establishment, Extension, Alteration and Termination
Article 9
A foreign enterprise which applies for the establishment of a resident
representative office in the territory of the People's Republic of China
shall submit to the examination and approval authorities a written
application. The examination and approval authorities shall, within thirty
(30) working days, decide whether to approve or disapprove it, and inform
the foreign enterprise in due course.
Article 10
A foreign enterprise which applies for the establishment of a resident
representative office shall commission as its undertaking agency a company
which is approved by the competent authorities of the People's Republic of
China and enjoys the right of foreign trade operation, or a foreign
economic relations and trade entity or a service unit for foreigners
recognized by the examination and approval authorities to submit, on its
behalf, to the examination and approval authorities all the documents and
materials and go through the application and registration procedures.
Article 11
Applications for the establishment of resident representative offices
undertaken by the companies, foreign economic relations and trade
entities, services units for foreigners directly under the ministries and
commissions of the State Council shall be submitted to the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for examination and approval; those
undertaken by the companies, foreign economic relations and trade
entities, service units for foreigners of the provinces, autonomous
regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities
with separate listing in the state plan shall be submitted to the local
commissions (offices) for foreign economic relations and trade at the
same level for examination and approval.
Article 12
A foreign enterprise which applies for the establishment of a resident
representative office shall submit to the examination and approval
authorities the following documents:
(1) an application signed by chairman of the board of directors or
general manager of the enterprise with the inclusion of: a brief
introduction of the enterprise, purpose of such establishment, and the
name, personnel accredited (chief representative and representatives),
scope of business, residence period, office location, etc. of the resident
representative office;
(2) a certificate of legal operation (transcript) issued by the
competent authority of the country where the enterprise is located;
(3) a certificate of credit (original) issued by a bank which has
business relations with the enterprise;
(4) letters of authorization signed by the chairman of the board of
directors or general manager of the enterprise for commissioning the chief
representative and representative(s) of the resident representative
office, and resumes of the chief representative and representatives and
their identity cards (duplicate). If the chairman of the board of
directors is appointed as the chief representative or representative, the
letter of authorization shall be signed by no less than two members of the
board of directors of the enterprise. In case there is no board of
directors in the enterprise, relevant papers shall be signed by the
executive director;
(5) a completed Application Form for the Establishment of Resident
Representative Office of Foreign Enterprises and a completed Application
Form for the Staff Members of Resident Representative Offices of Foreign
Enterprises; and
(6) other application materials which the examination and approval
authorities deem necessary.
Article 13
The resident representative office of a foreign enterprise shall be
named in the form of Name of Origin Country + Name of Enterprise + Name of
City + Representative Office.
Article 14
After the enterprise acquires the approval for establishment of a

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